My Child Has A Diagnosis
Dyslexia – also known as developmental reading condition – is a learning condition which manifests itself with problems in reading accuracy, speed and comprehension. It occurs when the brain does not recognise and process certain symbols. It is not a vision problem.
Children with dyslexia may struggle more on some days than others, with parents noticing distinct ‘good' and 'bad' days. For many children with dyslexia school can be a particularly challenging environment.
Dyslexia is a complex condition which can only be diagnosed by a trained professional. Children with a greater propensity of developing dyslexia may have a family history of dyslexia or reading difficulties.
Key indicators of dyslexia are:
Late development of speech and language skills compared to other children of the same age.
Jumbling of words.
Confusion between directional words e.g. up & down, in & out.
Inability to label objects, resulting in a child pointing to or describing an object because they are unable to recall its name.
Difficulties sequencing events.
Lack of interest in letters or words.
Poor motor skills and general clumsiness.
The starting point is to provide an accurate diagnosis for your child. We use the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children IV (Weschler, 2004) which is the most widely used and reliable assessment and intelligence testing tool. This process will also include gathering detailed observational and factual data about your child from you, your child’s school and any other professionals working with your child.
NETwork Interventions has years of experience of successfully helping children with dyslexia to overcome many barriers and reach their potential. Using Applied Behaviour Analysis, children with dyslexia can learn skills they are missing or lacking and even the most unwilling learner can become motivated to learn and progress.
The good news is that children with dyslexia can thrive at home and at school – and we know that ABA is the best way of teaching language and communication skills. Applied Behaviour Analysis is a scientifically validated and highly effective teaching method.
Some of the results you can expect from a programme include:
Drastically reduced risk of developing common problems such as problems in school, low self-esteem, and professional difficulty when the child grows up.
Improved academic performance and greater enjoyment of school.
Better concentration at school and during homework time.
Greater confidence and self esteem, often resulting in a more contented child.
Developmental reading conditions may appear in combination with developmental arithmetic conditions and developmental writing conditions. The good news is that strategies can always be put in place to overcome these struggles.